Tuesday 5 May 2015

Dialogue: Pellets


- You know when you are the only one who is drunk?
- What do you mean?
- Like, when you just for some reason got much drunker than anyone else and its weird.
- Weird how?
- Like, when you laugh at things the others don’t laugh at or even when they don’t laugh at your genuinely funny jokes? Like, when you want another pint but its Monday night and your friends might be leaving to go home soon? What would they do at home anyway? Why would they need to go so early?
- Dunno. Facebook. Netflix.
- Yeah, I guess. But like, you know those times you just really need to speak to humans in person and not on your computer?
- Like Skyping or in general?
- In general.
- Yeah, I know that feeling.
- Sucks right?
- Yeah.
- Like, those nights you just wanna stumble home later than you should, and you kinda did it on purpose or whatever but everyone is drinking juice or half pints?
- Yeah, I know.
- Like, when all you want to do is to talk about life and sex and self-esteem but everyone is going on about their professional achievements, interviews, their moms.
- Yeah.
- And when you want dogs to come into the pub and go right to you because they feel some kind of special connection with you, that you are somehow a better human that anyone else they can see but they just obey their owners, probably wondering what beer is and what the hype is all about.
- Huh?
- Dogs. Dogs that go to pubs.
- Right.
- The kinds of dogs who don’t exercise too much because the sort of feel the weight of it all. The ones who wait for the leftovers of your tuna lunch because it tastes better than doggy pellets.
- Doggy pellets?
- You wanna go get drunk?
- Ok. When?
- Now.
- Oh, right. Yeah, ok.

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